Kratom News

Prescription Drug User Fee Act Changes Could Ban Kratom & Supplements

Contact Congress to stop FDA & Big Pharma’s attempt to control supplements and get power to ban kratom

The Prescription Drug User Fee Act reauthorization is being used to give the FDA even more power to threaten kratom and all supplements

Contact Congress Today

The American Kratom Association: “First off, we understand this is getting into the legislative weeds, but this is incredibly important as it could change how all supplements and kratom are controlled by the FDA.
The Prescription Drug User Fee Act or PDUFA is up for reauthorization, and proposed changes to it could give the FDA power to deny registration of all supplements; granting them power to require kratom to be registered, and therefore the power to deny registration and effectively ban all kratom products.
Please contact your congressional representatives today! Go to using the link below to complete the email contact for to tell Congressional officials not to support any attempts to require supplement registration.
Supplements are not prescription drugs, and shouldn’t be treated the same.
NOTE: The House Committee on Energy & Commerce is meeting on the PDUFA regulation for the House so we’ve created an additional contact form to be used for them as well.”